Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I know I'm a Teenager

Who says it easy to be a teenager? i think the worst part of growing up is being a teenager. 

Your friends start to talk about boys all the time, you can have bigger problems with your schoolmates, you'll get pimples on your face, your body will change and maybe you're not comfortable with your body condition, also you can't easily control your emotions.

That's the negative part. The positive part are :

You know who is the true friend and the fake one, you know which is bad and which is good, you'll learn different things at higher school, and you start to concern about your appereance.

What do you think? are you agree with me? because i'm a teenager, i understand what they world look-like. you know, teenager world and adult world are different. sometimes, those adults like to control us like a robot. hey, we are HUMANS!.


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